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Celina De Leon, MDiv
Celina is the co-founder of Natura Care Programs and the founder and director of Circle of Sacred Nature 501(c)3 church. She is also a Stanford graduate, a Fulbright scholar, has a Masters in Divinity from the Graduate Theological Union, and has received professional training in spiritual care through the art of chaplaincy. Her training as a ceremony facilitator draws upon 20 years of experience with Amazonian plant medicine and a foundation in yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. Celina is also a longtime apprentice of Taita Juan Agreda Chindoy of the Kamentsa indigenous community of the Upper Putumayo of Colombia. She is passionate about respecting the importance of the spiritual care dimensions of psychedelic healing and is committed to indigenous reciprocity. Her greatest influence comes from being the mother of her three children.