Volker Schuetz, PsyD
New York City NY
The most important aspect of psychotherapy is the therapeutic relationship. For me that starts with respect and cultural humility. I try to suspend assumptions about my clients and meet everything that clients bring to sessions with interest, curiosity and acceptance. Together we can address challenges that are too difficult to face alone. I work experientially with my clients and aim to facilitate new experiences with themselves and others. This applies to all areas including assistance with psychedelic experiences or other non-ordinary states of consciousness.
After receiving an advanced degree in psychology in Southern Germany and working for several years in an outpatient, harm reduction clinic for heroin users, I relocated to New York City in the late 90s and graduated with a Doctor of Psychology from Long Island University in 2004. After 10 years working in the city's hospital system I went into full time private practice in Manhattan in 2012.