The Art of Integration- KAP & Creative Arts for Trauma Recovery
New York City NY
We work with clients in-person or on telehealth in the comfort of their homes. We offer individual sessions, groups, couples and family sessions. We encourage the whole family and community system to work together to heal through our therapy offerings.
The Art of Integration's mission is to heal the impact of trauma from adverse childhood and life events through psycho-education, exploration of creativity, community connection and expanded states of consciousness.
Integration means coming into contact with all parts of our selves and connecting those scared or hurt parts together with our loving and wise parts. Integration also means applying the insights gained in therapy into lifestyle adjustments and healthy connections in relationships.
The Art of Integration practice offers art therapy, music therapy, dance therapy as well as verbal psychotherapy & KAP. We will be expanding to include poetry and drama therapy services in the future for clients who have a passion for healing through the creative arts. AOI will also add MDMA and psilocybin psychedelic medicine treatments for mood disorders as they become legally available.
AOI currently offers an innovative treatment called Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). The Art of Integration team assists clients as they delve into altered states of consciousness using arts or Ketamine therapy to integrate the benefits and wisdom from these expanded states.
AOI specializes in working with clients who have felt "othered" or like outsiders in society in some way. We welcome clients from alternative lifestyles from all walks of life. AOI values inclusivity, diversity and social justice and welcomes New Yorkers from all identities and backgrounds.
We offer an affordable Ketamine Therapy Group in-person in Brooklyn, NYC. Please reach out to join our upcoming KAP Group ASAP!