Sheila Viel, BSc
RN Private Practice, DNM, Bioregulatory Medicine Specialist, RCST
Vermilion AB
Naturopathic and Homeopathic Medicine consults and supplements
Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist.
Compassionate Inquiry - Dr Gabor Mate - I year Professional Training
Somatic Relational Therapy and Plant Medicine - Complete Sep 01/22
After I retired from nursing, as I could no longer ethically work in that system, I went on a journey (14 years so far), wanting to continue to help humanity of suffering. Starting with Naturopathic and Homeopathic Mediicne, In getting to the "reason for dis-ease", for client's it has taken my own healing journey as well. This has lead me to the psychotherapy, somatic relational therapy and Plant medicine for the past 3 years. My client's are loving it and are very grateful. I further want to continue to learn and hone my skills.