Scott Shannon, MD
Fort Collins CO
I believe in the healing power of human spirit and psyche. All of my work is focused on this primary belief. I use natural, conventional and unconventional tools to help catalyze healing for the individual. Currently, I provide ketamine assisted psychotherapy and work in the MAPS study of MDMA assisted psychotherapy as a site Principle Investigator. I work with people of all ages and enjoy the opportunity to join people in their journey.
I grew up in rural upstate New York living outside and loving nature. My family moved to Arizona when I was a teenager, which lead me to embrace the west and it’s raw beauty. I then got involved with holistic medicine and Andrew Weil, MD as a college student in Tucson. After medical school I worked for four years as a primary care physician in rural Arizona, before heading off to become a psychiatrist. I trained at a Columbia program in New York and then at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. Colorado called my family north to the Fort Collins area where we have lived since then. I started a comprehensive mental health center dedicated to the principles of holistic medicine called the Wholeness Center. It is the largest center of it’s kind in the US. More importantly, we strive to find and support the wholeness that lies within everyone.