Rosy Rosenkrantz, LCSW
Clinical Social Worker/Psychoanalyst
New York NY
I am a relational psychoanalyst by training, which means that I am curious about how the present and the past intersect, especially in terms of relationships. I tend to be quite interactive in sessions with patients, while also leaving plenty of room for private moments of insight. Each person is so unique, and it is very important to me that he/she/they feels attended to in ways that are meaningful to her/him/them.
I have been a Psychotherapist in private practice and community mental health programs since 1995 and received my certificate in Psychoanalysis from the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy (ICP) in 2001. Currently, I am a Volunteer Therapist for A Home Within’s program for young adults aging out of the foster care system, a Supervisor of psychoanalytic candidates in training at ICP, and have completed the MAPS MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD training program.
In the past, I worked as an Individual and Group Clinician and Supervisor for the Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders, Clinical Supervisor in the Youth Enrichment Service of the LGBT Community Services Center of Manhattan, and Therapist for The Survivor’s Fund for Survivors of Incest and Sexual Abuse. I was the Supervising Social Worker for Brooklyn Children’s Theatre’s Oasis Program for homeless families until 2020.
Presentations given over the years have included: violence in the transgender community, therapy with queer youth, dissociative identity disorder, and couple's counseling.