Minh Tran, PhD Cand., MA, LMFT
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Los Angeles CA
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) will be 110-minute virtual medicine-sitting sessions in partnership with ISHA Health at $300/session (excluding medicine costs). [Appointment requests on my practice website: Please be advised hours are set to USA-Mountain Time Zone.]
How I work with clients and patients include a synthesized methodology of modalities and theoretical approaches, based on the individualized needs and unique personalities of every client or patient. I am Jungian at the core, psychodynamic in my treatment lens, systemic and relational by profession, and transpersonal by disposition. Whether working with an individual, romantic couple or any other intimate relational formation, I attempt to facilitate deeper trust, vulnerability, and corrective emotional experiences to heal wounds and transform personalities.
I use dreams, especially those dreamt soon before and shortly after a psychedelic experience, as preparation and extensions of the actual psychedelic visions and experiences in my integration counseling sessions. I have heavy influence from post-Jungian, post-transpersonal, and somatic approaches to psychotherapy as well, drawing from James Hillman’s archetypal psychology, integral psychology, and somatic experiencing. I often engage the inner-child in all of us through various expressive arts techniques, play therapy, and sandtrays.
Regardless of modalities or interventions used, the aim of therapy with me ultimately is about integrating split off and unconscious aspects of one’s Self into our everyday waking ego-consciousness. I often highlight dynamic oppositions within one’s psyche as manifestations of the archetype I call “The Opposites” which I believe, in my theopsychology and theotherapy, is the primary animator of psychic life. I do this in order for my clients and patients to come into deeper relationship with their Inner-Creator-Self.
I identify as a first-and-a-half generation Vietnamese American gay man. I received my master’s degree in counseling psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, where my studies and clinical practica placed emphasis on mental health treatment from a Jungian depth psychological orientation. I am licensed in both California and Colorado as a marriage and family therapist (LMFT). [Appointment requests on my practice website: Please be advised hours are set to USA-Mountain Time Zone.]
I gained additional education and training in a year-long postgraduate-degree certificate program at the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) in psychedelic-assisted therapies and research, as well as a fellowship with a work stipend to complete my post-degree clinical training in public behavioral health settings in underserved and underprivileged areas of Los Angeles County, which was funded by the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LAC DMH). My background prior to becoming a clinician was in LGBT and HIV nonprofit community organizing, middle management and administration, substances abuse and sexual risk-reduction prevention counseling. Today, as a psychotherapist, I weave together relational, systemic, psychodynamic, and transpersonal approaches to counseling my clients and patients.
California Lic.#: LMFT.111266 & Colorado Lic.#: LMFT.1643
C.A.M.F.T. Clinical Member (also working with non-U.S.A.-based clients/patients, expats, internationals)
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) will be 110-minute virtual medicine-sitting sessions in partnership with ISHA Health at $300/session (excluding medicine costs).
Depth Psychotherapy for the Dedicated Souls: tele-mental health services provided by queer Việt-American millennial digital nomad psychotherapist, social-artist, & fieldworking researcher.
"I am especially looking to work with individual who are wanting 2-4x/week sessions for deeper treatments.
[Appointment requests on my practice website: Please be advised hours are set to USA-Mountain Time Zone.]