Michael Coupland, MA
Registered Psychologist
Capital F BC
I am not active in providing treatment, and work with supporting an organization in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
I am an elder psychologist, in practice since 1979. I was a Charter Psychologist, a designation that predated my provincial Registered Psychologist designation. My career provided occupational health services primarily focused on work related trauma and injury\pain to the first responder, governmental agency, health care, education, energy and aviation industries. I am the developer of the COPE with Pain and COPE with Trauma programs (copyright IMCS Group Inc). I have had a distinguished career in both Canada and the USA, am an author of AMA Guides and a dozen other articles, presenter at 300 conferences on Pain, PTSD, opioid addiction, consultant to evidence based guidelines for pain and PTSD treatment. I was content author for the YouTube COPE with Pain channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1_8DXBkjDMtm-bN3M-HqmA) that is used in university training and cited in the literature for notable pain neuroscience (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6432903/). I recently retired from working full time as Founder and Network Medical Director of IMCS, a large national occupational health network of psychologists and psychiatrists. I am currently VP of Occupational Health at Field Trip Health