Elizabeth Arnold, PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Psychedelic Integration Therapist, Artist, Mother
Newburgh NY
My background and experiences integrate the Cosmologies of a formal western training in Clinical Psychology with Indigenous perspectives slowly learned by deep commitment to medicine work in Peru, Gabon, and Ecuador. Holding these polarities and working with the visual, non-verbal nature of many journey insights, i can help clients integrate psychedelic experiences into tangible forms in day-to-day life.
I am a Psychologist, Psychedelic Therapist and also a Visual Artist. i work with many artists and also help people to tap into their innate creativity, developing a unique and expressive language over time.
i am also available for Supervision of therapeutic work and for Consultation around Master Plant Dietas.
Dr Arnold is a clinical psychologist and visual artist. She has worked with complex trauma and psychosomatic symptoms for 35 years, training in NYC on inpatient units, within the prison system, with combat veterans in the VA system, and with children, adolescents, and adults. She holds a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, Teachers College, and a Masters Degree in Counseling and Consulting Psychology from the Graduate School of Education at Harvard University.
She travels often, learning by immersing in indigenous medicine traditions (Shipibo, Ashaninka, Bwiti, and A'i Cofan), returning to clinical practice in the Hudson Valley in NYS, integrating what is learned in the geographical/metaphysical landscapes of plant medicines back into daily life.
Her development as a visual artist has been pivotal in bridging these transitions between radically different cosmologies, a medium for spiritual experiences to be integrated and communicated.
* I do not provide substances or guided journeys.