Kerry Moran, MA, LPC
Integration Psychotherapist
Písac CUS
I offer 1:1 sessions for people seeking to prepare for or integrate their experience with ayahuasca. My way of working is supportive, compassionate, and aims to get at the root of things, so that you can navigate through life with grace and an increasing sense of wholeness. I firmly believe Shadow needs to be integrated with the Light, and have many ways of working with the rough stuff, the dark side, the unconscious and unknown.
What I can offer you is not just transcendence, but grounded, practical approaches—spiritual, emotional, and somatic—to your integrative work, along with intuitive, intelligent support. Visit my website (ayahuascawisdom.com) for more information, and feel free to email me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!
I bring many years of experience in depth psychology and Buddhist practice to psychedelic integration. Coming from a background in private-practice psychotherapy, my approach to integration is fundamentally practical, working to ground the wisdom of your psychedelic experiences into your daily life. I combine a big-picture understanding of the dynamics of integration with a deeply compassionate regard for the wisdom and capacity of each person I work with.
From 1985 to 1998 I lived in Kathmandu, Nepal, working as a writer and editor and authoring several books, including "Kailas: On Pilgrimage to the Sacred Mountain of Tibet." My study and practice of Tibetan Buddhist meditation dates back to this time. I’ve completed professional training in Somatic Experiencing, EMDR, and Systemic Family Constellation Work. Other methods I practice include Focusing, EFT, dreamwork, archetypal astrology, Voice Dialogue, and various skillful ways of working with trauma and attachment.
I’ve worked with The Temple of the Way of Light near Iquitos to develop a follow-up integration support program for guests, and have extensive experience with plant medicines including ayahuasca, San Pedro, iboga, and plant dietas. In my current role as an integration therapist, I seek to bridge the worlds of plant medicine with Buddhist and Western psychologies to develop effective ways of healing the modern mind. Since 2015 I've lived in the Sacred Valley of Peru, where I offer integration sessions in-person and via video call. Check out my website and blog for much more.
Integrating Ayahuasca Online Program
Integrating Ayahuasca is a 10-week online course developed by a psychotherapist experienced in plant medicine to inspire and support your post-ceremony transformation. Each week you’ll receive a link to a new class packed with practical guidance, practices and exercises specifically keyed to integration.
Articles, videos, audio meditations, worksheets—resources to explore, practices to apply—Integrating Ayahuasca helps you activate the extraordinary potential for change inherent in the weeks following your ceremonies. It’s a comprehensive program that supports your integration every step of the way—so that the transformation doesn’t end with your last ceremony, but becomes harmoniously integrated, in your life and within yourself.
You can find much more about the program here:
About the Organizer: Kerry Moran, MA, LPC, is an ayahuasca integration therapist who works online with people around the world. She has a Master’s in Counseling Psychology (that’s the M.A.), 20+ years experience in private-practice psychotherapy as a Licensed Professional Counselor, and 30+ years as a Buddhist meditator (no initials for that!). She also has a great deal of experience with plant medicines. As an integration therapist, she seeks to bridge the worlds of plant medicine with Eastern and Western psychologies to develop effective ways of working with ancient traditions and modern minds.