Josh Caple, AdvDip
Sydney NSW
While these sessions can be effective for a very wide range of issues, I particularly work with depression & anxiety, stress management, trauma & PTSD, grief & loss, addiction, identity/spiritual crisis, and preparation or integration for those working with plant medicines & other experiences with non-ordinary states of consciousness.
Outside of a clinical setting, I facilitate wilderness & adventure-based retreats around the world for the opportunity to immerse yourself in your growth & healing.
I have been fortunate enough to work with many incredible teachers around the world, human and otherwise, as I’ve navigated my own path of physical injury, depression & anxiety, grief, addiction & PTSD.
These teachers and these experiences have guided me into connection with my inner resources and helped me to find my path into healing. As my own journey continues, I’m called to share the tools that have been gifted to me along the way.