Jo Young, LCSW
Psychedelic Integration Therapist
Durango CO
My work as a psychedelic integration therapist is rooted in mindfulness and curiosity. I hold a supportive, nonjudgemental container where you are able to explore your internal wisdom from your psychedelic experience.
I can help you in slowing down and connect with what the experience meant to you. This doesn’t always look like talk therapy, I bring breath-work, art, nature and somatic work into sessions. Each of these alternative modalities can assist in looking at your journey from a new lens or angle.
I believe there is a large importance placed on psychedelic journeys and not as much on the integration that happens afterwards. The actual experiences are such a small part of your life and where we work in integration is the larger part of your life. As you are your own healer, you already have everything you need inside of you. I as the therapist can meet you where you are and keep you accountable to your internal experience.
I believe this is much bigger than integration therapy. Psychedelics help you zoom out of your own life to relate with it in a new way. This paradigm shift can bring more mindfulness, gratitude, and love into your life; integration helps shift a psychedelic experience from being a life changing moment to being life changing in itself.
Jo grew up in a small town outside of Grand Rapids, Michigan. There was two stop lights and a ‘drive your tractor to school day’. A few spark moments in her life led her to wanting to work directly with people through the practice of Social Work. Seeing others experience the worlds vastness and freedom in their lives fills her cup the most.
The moment she felt most alive in her life was hiking through multiple coastal towns near Sydney, Australia. Jo, 19 years old at the time, felt a passion ignite for traveling and the sense of freedom and empowerment that exists in this world. Her father identifies her as a ‘seeker’. She seeks to learn from nature, and be constantly humbled by humans and animals.
Jo has infused knowledge from the many jobs she has had. She has worked as a nanny, waitress, Peace Corps Volunteer in Eswatini for 2+ years, primary care office, and worked as a family therapist in wilderness therapy. Over the last year she has worked in private practice focusing on EMDR (eye movement desentiziation reprocessing) with clients.
So, why psychedelic integration therapy? Jo has spent over four years living abroad and learning different ways to do ‘life’. She has found a love for learning about psychedelics during her graduate studies at the University of Denver. When given the freedom to pick a topic to do a research project on Jo was drawn to psychedelic assisted therapy. Though only a few, recent, research articles existed in 2018 she felt there was so much more to be explored. Three years later during a trip to Central America Jo witnessed firsthand the need for more psychedelic therapy integration. Seeing people go from one life changing ceremony to the next she witnessed the need for a space to be held to integrate. Jo believes integration is the most important and hardest part of a psychedelic journey that doesn’t ever ‘finish’.
Learn more about individual sessions, and packages through my website: Josjourneywork.com