Janine Inez, DNP, PMHNP-BC, BFA, MSN
Psychiatric Mental-Health Nurse Practitioner
New York City NY
For Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy, I offer an individualized approach that centers around a series of 3-6 three hour ketamine journeys utilizing oral or intramuscular administration of the medicine. Each journey is 24-48 hours apart, and journeys are bookended with hour-long preparation and integration sessions. After the initial series, booster treatments may be provided as needed. Sessions are conducted in person, with opportunities for virtual if it's the right fit. I accept insurance for integration and preparation, but journeys are out of pocket (out-of-pocket costs range from $300/hr to $950 for a three-hour journey. Sliding scale may be offered to BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and student populations.) Journeys are informed by ceremony, intention, and ritual and are designed with the journeyer at the center.
Dr. Janine Inez is a board-certified Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who graduated from Columbia University. She works with emergent adults, adults, LGBTQ+, artists, and ALANA (African-American, Latinx, Asian, and Native American) populations offering combined psychotherapy and medication management. She specializes in psychedelics and narrative therapy for nutrition, stress, spiritual exploration, and personal growth. In her spare time, she writes poetry and fiction, meditates, forest bathes, and does yoga. Prior to nursing, Dr. Inez studied writing for screen and television in California. In 2018 she finished her first novel, and in 2022, her second. In 2022, she also completed a poetry anthology. She’s been telling stories since she was eight years old, and now she is incredibly grateful that she gets to listen to them as her profession.
Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy
Medication Management and Tapering
Narrative Psychotherapy