Emma Hacking, MNCS
London ENG
Our work together is focused on you and directed by you. Counselling is a collaborative process: together we will create a therapeutic space to explore the emotions or blockages that are causing your dis-ease. I chose to train in person-centred counselling because I believe there is no authority but yourself, and that you are the expert in your own life’s experience. This is the place from which the therapeutic work begins – as Arthur Ashe puts it, “start where you are, use what you have, do what you can”.
I am a person-centred and existentialist counsellor offering bespoke therapy online. I work with people around the world on issues around sexuality, gender, relationships, polyamory, kink, activism, identity, psychedelic experiences and beyond. I offer a safe space to explore, experience, and express yourself.
I am a member of the National Counselling Society (member number NCS22-01672), a member of the Radical Therapist Network and the Psychotherapy and Counselling Union. I also work with Bargee Traveller on a Mental Health Service for boaters and travellers. I teach modules on gender, sex, and relationship diversity at Sweet Track Counselling College, and I also offer group therapy sessions on psychedelic integration.
Like many counsellors, I came to the profession as a second career. Previously, I was a writer, filmmaker, corporate office worker, and activist. These are all experiences that I carry with me and so inform my work.
I currently live in Bristol where I can be found eating vegan food, playing folk music, and cycling the city and beyond as often as possible. Cycling is a wonderful mental health tool for me and I’d one day love to explore this further in a documentary about the ways cycling can save us and maintain us.