Manchester ENG
Integrative and pluralistic approach. Mainly client led
See the shine, not the shit” is how Emma Ferguson chooses to live her life today, but it hasn’t always been that way. Like us all, Em craved a joyful life yet always looked for it in the wrong places. Mistaking drama and chaos for passion, she avoided truly connecting with the world. Although she was a mother to two young children and worked as a secondary teacher for several years, Em eventually found herself lost in a nightmare of addiction and spiritual bankruptcy.
As she began to seek recovery, Em finally started to find the sense of purpose and passion that she’d always craved and felt compelled to share that with others who were struggling. After training to become a psychologist and therapist, she gained vast experience working with addicts and their families. Although this work was fulfilling, she knew that she needed more.
Creative expression and a connection with the outdoors and animals are key to Em’s development, and she gained new skills, training and working as a supervising facilitator the Hoffman Institute for 9 years until taking the leap to follow her own joy.
For years she was adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, yet today she lives a mainly joyful life. Through Joy Provision, Em is sharing her experiences, inspiring others to undergo similar amazing change and she would love to offer you the opportunity to do the same.