Centre for Compassionate Care
Hamilton ON
Our space offers clients a safe and secure environment where they can explore a therapeutic set and setting that can support healing and personal growth.
We aim to ensure that appropriate structure and supports are available to clients throughout the therapeutic process by working with their "circle of care" and encouraging the building of a beloved community.
We are better together!
The Centre for Compassionate Care (C3) is a community-based mental health clinic that promotes physical health and mental well-being as well as opportunities for healing and personal growth.
We provide specialty psychological services that integrate sacred and secular technology-enhanced approaches with evidence-based clinical practices – including Integrative Ketamine Enhanced Psychotherapy and Cannabis-Assisted Psychotherapy.
Integrative Ketamine Enhanced Psychotherapy for Depressive, Trauma, and Stressor-Related Conditions
Cannabis-Assisted Psychotherapy - Therapeutic Holistic Cannabis (THC) & Cannabis-Assisted Self Exploration (CASE) Sessions
Virtual Reality Based Exposure Treatment for Trauma and Stressor-Related Conditions