Alexis Gonzalez-Schultz, MS
Psychedelic Therapist, SLP
Oakland CA
I work with each person by meeting them exactly where they are on their journey. I approach every individual with sensitivity, care and compassion, allowing me create a space that feels safe and free of judgement. My focus is on building trust and connection and honoring everyone's unique experiences and needs. Through this supportive and non judgmental approach, I help guide individuals towards transformational healing, self acceptance and deeper personal growth.
My path to becoming a psychedelic guide and curandera was not linear. I started as a pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist, holding a BA in Communicative Disorders and an MS in Speech-Language Pathology. While working in this field, I realized that many speech delays and behaviors in children were manifestations of deeper family traumas and societal pressures. This insight led me to seek more holistic approaches to healing . Instead of “fixing” children, I wanted to focus on helping adults heal.
In 2018, despite outward success, I felt unfulfilled. I began exploring plant medicine, beginning with Ayahuasca & Huachuma ceremonies in Ecuador. These experiences reconnected me with my indigenous roots and the power of ceremonies, plants, love and community.
Over the past few years, I’ve continued to deepen my knowledge through ongoing training, study with other curanderxs, and courses in shamanism and the traditional uses of sacred plants and psychedelics.
Please visit my website www.MicroLovebyAlexis.com for current offerings.