Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute
Seattle WA
in person and through telemedicine and tele-eduacation
We recognize the right of everyone to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its applications.
We are dedicated to advancing integrative medical care, research, and education within oncology, psychiatry, neurology, rehabilitation and palliative care. We are fostering a culture of research with our patients and studying the outcomes of the care we provide.
ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, stellate ganglion block, medical cannabis education, integrative and transpersonal psychiatry and psychotherapy, integrative oncology, integrative medicine and health, cannabis-assisted therapy, IV therapy, integrative neurology, integrative rehabilitation medicine, integrative palliative care, advanced home palliative care service, group therapy and classes (Integration Group Schedule for 2021: 2x a month starting September 28th (October 12 and 26; November 9 and 30; December 14 and 28). 6:30-7:30pm, $25; via ZOOM; call or email to register; Limit 10)